Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO) is a national initiative aiming to prevent overweight and obesity in preschool children aged 0-6 in Sweden, thereby contributing to the reduction of mental illness, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Read more about the initiative here.
Project number
Support from Swelife
SEK 4.7 million in the first year. During the same time period, co-financing from the project parties is also added.
Reduced overweight and obesity among in preschool children aged 0-6 years in Sweden by 2030. This will be measured at both regionally and at municipality level.
Project partners
Formal parties:
- Barnhälsovårdsenheten i Stockholms län
- Generation Pep
- Göteborgs Universitet
- Innovation Skåne (1)
- Innovation Skåne (2)
- Livsmedelsföretagen
- Livsmedelsverket
- Lunds universitet – LU Innovation
- Novo Nordisk
- Region Skåne – Kunskapscentrum barnhälsovård
- Region Skåne – Regional utveckling
- Region Västerbotten – Barnhälsovården
- Region Östergötland – Folkhälso- och statistikenheten
- RISE – Mobilitet och System
- RISE – Mätteknik (1)
- RISE – Mätteknik (2)
- SAS Institute
- Socialstyrelsen – Avdelningen för kunskapstyrning för hälso- och sjukvården
- Socialstyrelsen – Avdelningen för kunskapsstyrning för socialtjänsten
- Stockholms universitet – Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap
- Uppsala universitet – Institutionen för medicinsk cellbiologi
- Västra Götalandsregionen – Barnmedicin
In addition to the formal parties, about 40 actors also participate in the project.
The project has ended. Please, contact Swelife’s program office for more information.