
Quantum technology in Swedish healthcare

Purpose and goal

The project’s goal is to identify and describe the conditions for improving the ability of the Swedish healthcare system to utilize the potential within the growing field of quantum life science. The goal is a significant increase in awareness, knowledge and competence about quantum technology, its connections to healthcare and its future potential, among the management of Swedish university hospitals.

Expected effects and results

The project’s results will be reported in the form of a report that will be presented interactively to the Swedish university hospital directors (SUHD network), regional R&D and IT directors and other important academic and industrial stakeholders. This preliminary study should then be the basis for more in-depth analyses, which also include academia and industry, in order to establish a national strategy and roadmap for quantum life science in the longer term to ensure Sweden’s leading role in the field.

Planned structure and implementation

A workshop and interviews will be held with the SUHD network to define their information needs as well as the most effective communication format for the project results. The outcome of this, supplemented by contributions from other important Swedish stakeholders, will guide the design of the Swedish and international information-gathering phases where the answers to strategic questions will be collected. The project ends with the dissemination of the report and preparations for the next step.

Support from Swelife

SEK 404,000

Principal applicant organization

The Västra Götaland region – Innovationsplattformen

Time frame

September 2022 – April 2023