Here we gather best practice, guidelines and other support on how you as a project can work with, for example, sustainability, Agenda 2030, work environment and more.
If you have tips on links, contact
Sustainable innovation
Agenda 2030
Working environment
Having a sustainable project can also be about having a nice workplace where everyone feels safe and welcome.
Digital accessibility
Checklist from the union Vision (in Swedish)
Web guidelines from DIGG, for an accessible web
Sexual harassment
Web tools that can be used in the work of preventing sexual harassment (in Swedish)

Gender equality and diversity
In the concept of sustainability, we at Swelife also put gender equality – as they do in Agenda 2030. A sustainable project is also a gender equality project.
Equal recruitment
Jämo – The stairs (in Swedish).
For projects
NOVA. Tools and methods for norm-creative innovation (folder in Swedish)
For innovation supporters
IoT Sweden’s gender equality strategy. With checklist. (In Swedish)
Schyst business support (Region Värmland).
Accessibility for all
Functional law Sweden’s project Universal design has produced a guide for universal design:
Right from the start – universal design (in Swedish)
EU project that produced a report on active involvement in the global goals:
UN projects that have developed indicators for monitoring the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, linked to the sustainability goals: