
Swelife ATMP

Aim and objective

The aim of the project is to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness in advanced therapies (ATMP), primarily within cell and gene therapy.

Cell and gene therapies are expected to lead to major medical breakthroughs as they can be adapted to unusual and refractory diseases, and have the potential of curing diseases that are currently incurable.

The main objective of the project is to stimulate and promote growth within the Swedish ATMP sector by nationally developing associated skills in process development and commercial challenges and making them available.

Expected effects and results

Increased national knowledge exchange and skills enhancement within the development of cell and gene therapies. A broader and more accessible knowledge platform that helps companies and academic projects develop quality-assured products that can be used clinically.

Sweden becomes an attractive collaboration partner for international projects, and as a place for pharmaceutical companies’ development and production in the field of ATMP.

Planned design and implementation

Meetings and workshops with experts in cell and gene therapy to map the current situation and needs will be conducted in the autumn of 2017, in close cooperation with the RISE pilot study, and will result in an action plan for 2018–2020. The first annual national conference in ATMP is scheduled for Q1 2018.

The project is based on the needs of Swedish users (healthcare, academia and industry) and the national strategy will be developed accordingly.