Apply for EU funds – and more! Here you will find short films about how you can take your project abroad by, for example, applying for EU funds. Swelife’s internationalization expert Heather Marshall-Heymann will help you! She has put together instructional videos that take you by the hand and tell you how to apply to the various programs.
We’re producing the videos on an ongoing basis, so if your questions aren’t answered here, check back later – more videos may have arrived.
The films are intended for Swedish life science actors, but can also be useful for projects in other industries.
The films are recorded in English with subtitles.
You will find the subtitles at the bottom right of the video (when you click on the video). Click the icon that looks like a small keyboard, and the subtitles will automatically turn on.
How to register for the Horizon Europe application
Links in the film eller
The film as text
How to register for Horizon Europe applications (pdf)
How to register your company as an SME for EUs Funding and Tenders Portal
Links in the film
The film as text
How to register your company as an SME for EUs Funding and Tenders Portal
How to apply to the Eurostars 3 programme
Links in the film
FN:s hållbarhetsmål Agenda 2030
Gender innovation, Genusinnovation (pdf)
Vinnovas webbinarium om Eurostars 3
The film as text
How to apply to the Eurostars 3 programme (pdf)
The Gender Dimension
The gender aspect. What to consider when preparing an application to Horizon Europe.
Links in the film
Horizon Europe Programme Guide
Horizon Europe guidance on Gender Equality Plans
EC Gender Equality Plan FAQ document
EC Factsheet on Gender equality in Horizon Europe
EC webpage on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation
Video recording EC Cluster 1 gender Equality plan presentation
GEAR tool: step-by-step online guidance for your Gender Equality Plan
Gendered Innovations project: checklists and methods for sex, gender, and intersectional analysis